Monday, April 23, 2012

Magnificent Mac&Cheese Merlin Mondays!

Merlin Monday's is a new installment in my life. It's a wonderful addition and makes my homesickness much more bearable. Now, I'm pretty nerdy as I'm sure most of you know. I enjoy knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, reading, writing, Zelda, and (of course) sci-fi. There's a BBC series called Merlin, which I've been a faithful fan of for about the past three years now. The show's plot is based on the budding relationship between Merlin and Arthur. The majority of the episodes involve Merlin saving Arthur, then receiving no credit, the graphics are pretty cheesy, and yet you can't help but love the banter between the two young heroes. get to my point.....

A few months ago, two new teacher's joined our group Rachel and Steven. They enjoy all the same silly nerdy things I do, which was when the brilliant plan for Magnificent Mac&Cheese Merlin Monday's was hatched. Our shared love of alliteration is what brought Mac&cheese into the picture. It's been a weekly thing now for the past three weeks and it makes me feel like I'm not so far away from home.

Now, if you excuse me, it is Monday. I'm off for some Mac&cheese :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm jealous, not only for the mac and cheese, but for having merlin watching friends. I watch my tv shows all by my lonesome! But, I am very happy that you have found like minded friends to share life with!! <3 :)
