Friday, May 4, 2012

New Design


In addition to my tomorrow rant - I decided to go for a more optimistic, happy, and freeing type of design. Mainly because I need more of that in my life apparently.

If you're wondering.....yes, my job sucks that much.

Don't teach in Hagwon's...ever.

There are some decent ones out there, but not worth it to find one. Why didn't I just listen to my mom, like I knew I should have. I just haaaaad to be independent and make my own decisions, didn't I??

How young and stupid we can be.


I've been thinking a lot about tomorrow.  I even looked up quotes in order to figure out my weirdly strong feelings towards tomorrow. None of them really encapsulated what I wanted to say, or what I was feeling.

Today was a bad day.

I've had a lot of bad days. I've managed to get through the bad ones, forgive, forget, and move on. I've learned to push my feelings aside, to be able to cry about them in private, like all good Americans know how to do. Today was just so awful I needed to be optimistic about tomorrow.

That's the thing about tomorrow, isn't it. It's always out of reach, at our fingertips, teasing us. Tomorrow will be a brighter future. Tomorrow we will have the best technology. Tomorrow is a new day.

That's the thing, there's always a new tomorrow. The past and the present are tangible things. We can logically process what has happened to us yesterday and what is happening to us now, but what about tomorrow?

Does tomorrow really bring promise? The illusion of tomorrow is to keep us thinking maybe the grass is greener, maybe tomorrow will be brighter. That's the thing about the future tense, it's never set in stone. There is the possibility it will happen.

Then there is that word - will. To be - in the future tense. How is it possible to determine what will be tomorrow. As many a bright scholar has said before me, we could all die tomorrow. Nothing could happen tomorrow and everything could happen tomorrow.

The thing that I love about tomorrow, is that it is not today and it is not yesterday. It brings the possibility of the world's impending doom (thank you Mayan calendar), the possibility of winning the lottery and striking it rich, but mainly it brings the possibility of a normal day filled with pasta and friends; which is what I think the majority of us humans desire, normalcy.

I suppose, even though tomorrow is not a tangible idea, (We will never be able to predict tomorrow exactly, not in the weather, our schedule, or even our survival) we can still hope for the best.

I think that is why tomorrow can be so optimistic and pessimistic at the same time.

Anyways, tomorrow, I do hope for a brighter future. Tomorrow, I do hope for a better day. The key is - tomorrow gives me hope. Hope for something better.

At the very least, I know tomorrow won't be yesterday and it won't be today. Maybe tomorrow will be better, maybe tomorrow will be worse, but there is always a tomorrow to look forward to; in this life or the next. There is always the knowledge there is a tomorrow, and that single piece of hope is nice to hold onto.

These pictures are to illustrate my hope for a normal tomorrow. One filled with friendship, pasta, and most importantly, a day of work free drama. Where our only concern is...Is there enough pepper in this? 

Lets hope tomorrow is a better today.